Monday, January 23, 2012

Some action at the clinic

Pam and Sharon registering a group of kids early in the day.

Kenzie entertains the kids as they wait.

Randy (Kenzie's dad) usually has his hands full inside the clinic, holding kids when needed, matching each kids feet to a new pair of shoes, running tools and equipment for the dentists, is shown here taking a few minutes to drop by outside the clinic and hand out some small toys. Notice Randy's tshirt.

...again the cute little guy in his suit.

This pic is great!! Kim got this of Dr Paul, Terry and Justin in motion just after setting the self timers for the group shot!

Princess Grace! She was in the clinic at the end of the day as part of a good sized group of children. She was charming everyone because it turns out her heritage makes her royalty in her village and region. Since her name is Grace she became Princess Grace! Anyhow waiting through the hot afternoon to see the dentists is extra hard on the littlest children, so someone had a great idea going forward to prioritize the order into the clinic based on age.

Lawrence is somewhere near 18 years of age. He is a local kid who comes and hovers around almost every day with his little sister Esther. Esther seems to be about 10. Lawrence has something wrong with his eyes and his vision. I asked him if he is seeing an eye doctor and he tells me he is, and that it is helping. He really has become a favorite of many of the volunteers because he has helped with translating, ushering kids about, running things to Judy in post op etc. I think Judy has given him transportation money so that he will come back because he is so helpful. Kim gave Esther and Lawrence money for transportation one day also because Lawrence seemed to have lost the money he had, which was not making Esther very happy, she as pretty busy scolding him for being careless enough to lose the money.

Like all the kids, Esther absolutely loves the bikes Pam and Terry brought with to Mildmay. She says Beeppp BEeepp all the time when she rides which you understand after spending any time on the road. Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Kampala, Uganda

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